LAUNCHING… The Unifying Consciousness Tarot!

 Hello from ORBITAL ARTS,

I hope you're all happy and doing well! 

Here is something new and exciting I’d like to share:

I've created an amazing Tarot deck with my friend Lori Lytle of Inner Goddess Tarot. We are planning to print and produce it as an indie project through crowdfunding.

Our Kickstarter campaign launches November 8th, 2022! (Woohoo!)

I need help getting the word out, and getting support for our campaign!

 Here's the story of the deck...

The Unifying Consciousness Tarot is a co-creation between a spiritual artist and a practical mystic - I Leo Scopascasa, the founder of Orbital Arts Gallery, and Lori Lytle, also known as Inner Goddess Tarot. 

This deck is a dream come true for us. Lori discovered my work at Orbital Arts when Tarot was her secret passion, more than 20 years ago. Over the years, as Lori's Tarot practice deepened and grew, she began seeing Tarot’s big archetypes winking at her from my artwork. She knew that if we worked together, we could create a Tarot deck that would resonate on a soul level.

My channelled artwork has the power to activate the soul of the viewer in a passive way, through achieving resonance with the inherent vibration of love. I call my work Activation Art.

Lori is a reader and lover of Tarot, her intention was to incorporate and translate this energy into the form and structure of a Tarot deck, so that spiritual seekers can also use it actively as a tool for wisdom, empowerment, and transformation.

The result is a Tarot deck that begins its healing work from the moment that it’s held. It is also a practical, solid Tarot deck that will give you insight into life's big and small questions.

Now we invite you to join us and to help to put the Unifying Consciousness Tarot out into the world!


Here's what you can do:

Please go to this link and sign up for news about the launch. The campaign isn't live yet, but please click the "NOTIFY ME ON LAUNCH" button so you'll get all the info:


(If you're not familiar with Kickstarter, it is an amazing crowdfunding platform that helps bring creative projects to life. This is how you can support the deck, and if our campaign is successful, you'll have your copy of the deck by Spring 2023. It's free to sign up with Kickstarter, and you're under no obligation, but any support and interest in the deck is key to making our campaign a success.)


And, would you share this news and link with anyone who you think would be interested, maybe to two or three (or more) friends?


You can see more images and features of the deck on Instagram here:


Thank you so much for reading this, and I'd be so grateful for any help you can give us. We're determined to get this deck into everyone's hands, and out into the universe, and for that we need a CROWD for sure.

Thank you for helping to manifest this labour of LOVE... sincerely, LEO 


The Unifying Consciousness Tarot - Now For Available for Pre-Order on Amazon!


Meet the Suit of CUPS in the Unifying Consciousness Tarot