Meet the Suit of PENTACLES in The Unifying Consciousness Tarot

Meet the suit of PENTACLES from The Unifying Consciousness Tarot!

Pentacles – Earth - Cube/Hexahedron

Pentacles are connected to the element of earth. This is the realm of the body, the natural world, things that you can touch and hold, and that bring you comfort and pleasure. Pentacles are practical resources, and the rewards that manifest from hard work and consistent effort. This could be a cozy place to live, a lush garden, a strong body, a good job, money in the bank, or simply the confidence in your ability to shape your physical reality into what you desire. Earth is the solid ground beneath your feet, it’s slow growth and an understanding of the cycles of life and death, and the consequence of time.

A Pentacle is often represented as a shiny, gold coin. In The Unifying Consciousness Tarot that coin is inscribed with the Flower of Life, a design that reminds you of the interconnectedness of all that lives and grows, and of the sacred pattern to which we all belong.

The hexahedron or cube is also connected to the element of earth. It has six square faces, equal in size. It has the greatest stability of all the Platonic solids. It sits, flat on the ground, and isn’t going to move or roll away without manipulation. Meditating on this form brings grounding, practical wisdom, and a connection with the supportive energy of nature.

What does the suit of Pentacles mean to you?

How does it make you feel?

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